About Me

Hi, I'm Ayodeji Oyinloye

Software Engineer

I am a Software Engineer experienced in helping startups deliver tech solutions to the market. Passionate about solving problems, developing people, and applying lean and agile principles to daily work. I am driven and committed to make software solutions that create human impact, and to build tech organizations that work smart and create consumer value.

My Articles

My Projects

Afrolang Words - Bite-sized language learning
Afrolang Words features a bite-sized language learning platform where you can serenade in the beauty of indigenous words in any african language of your choice. It features daily word updates to users, quiz section for entertainment and learning solidification purposes and a favourites’ section to preserve words dear to you. It consists of a backend to monitor user metrics and help to build updates on the most useful features.

Technology Stack: Ruby-On-Rails,ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL, Android, Java.
Spiritual Journal App - Keep Track of your daily devotionals
Spiritual Journal app helps Christians keep track of, and share devotionals created. Important Bible readings can be planned for as long as needed based on the calendar year and lessons or insights can be documented and shared on social media.

Technology Stack: Ruby-On-Rails,ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL, Android, Java.
TransgovGH - Monitor and comment on developmental projects
TransGovgh is a mobile application leveraging on Ghana's Open Data Initiative (GODI) to enable citizens to monitor and comment on the implementation and progress of developmental projects in their local communities and nationwide. Transgovgh gives citizens and duty bearers alike, access to timely and accurate data to help advance accountability, public involvement and data-driven decision-making in local governance.

Technology Stack: Android, Java, Volley, Ion, ObjectBox.
Eki Data Capture Application - Trader-Moni Monitoring application
Eki Data Capture Application is a product that helps the Edo State government record and track the data of trader-moni beneficiaries after they have been paid. This helps to analyse how effectively the funds are being used by the beneficiaries.

Technology Stack: Android, Java, Retrofit, ObjectBox.
Early Literacy Project - Helping early graders become literate
This project consists of a Web backend for program managers and a mobile application which early graders utilize to learn alphabets, words and sentences. The program managers are able to control the learning content with reference to their respective learning plans and make the content available to early graders. The mobile application works offline, updates when new content is delivered and can be customized to any language or character system.

Technology Stack: Ruby-On-Rails,ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL, Android, Java, ObjectBox.
Advance Bank - What you wish your bank could do
Advance Bank is a digital banking platform that specializes in offering bespoke personal advisory services to customers through a mobile application interface. Such services include financial and investment advice, budgeting tips and loans. Advance’s mission is to simplify banking services and ensure customers enjoy a seamless banking experience.

Technology Stack: Android,Java, XMPP, OkHttp.
Clinic App - A web app to manage clinic records
Clinic app is a product that helps the stakeholders in a clinic manage records of patients that visit the clinic based on an obseverd process flow. From the front desk personnel to the nurses and then consultation with the doctors using the most recent ICD-10 specifications and drug dispensary by the pharmacists. There is also the option of booking apppointments as need be.

Technology Stack: Ruby-On-Rails,ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL.
Vendorhit - Merchant discovery and rating platform
Vendorhit is a product that helps sellers increase their audience and make sales and also helps buyers find Instagram sellers more easily, give sellers a rating and also post a review of the awesome product or service they received for others to see. The Tech-stack used is a Ruby-On-Rails.

Technology Stack: Ruby-On-Rails,ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL, Chartjs.